Sunday, November 25, 2007

10th Assignment

Dear Santa,
This Christmas I am only going to ask you for three things. Even though some of these things may be slightly expensive I am sure you'll manage to fulfill my wishes. I would like a brand new Mazda 6, with four doors please. In white would be even better. I also would like a 8GB iPod BLACK with all my music on it already. And lastly, I would like the rest of my schooling to be paid off, no matter where I transfer.
The Mazda 6 is a very understanding since I have been asking you for a few years. This year you can't say no because I have my basic license and have been driving for almost two years!
The iPod is an accessory with the car.
Tuition is so important! I can't stand having to pay to do homework and read!
Please Santa, I'm sure you won't regret it!
Angela C


I definitely know what its like to dump that annoying disturbing friend. And it's really weird that you said that because I too "broke up" with a friend. Nobody that really meant anything. She was a crappy friend anyway.

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for life and change.


9th Assignment

Katt Williams is one of the funniest comedians I have ever seen. I love his topics and view on areas. His voice, facial expressions, and style helps the mood become even more hilarious. He's mostly known for his discussion on weed. But he also goes into racial, war, and relationship talk. I can't stop laughing when I watch this guy!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wisdom Teeth

Good god what is going on with my gums in the back? It's so painful! When I run my tongue over the area it feels sharp. It like a thousand knifes stabbing through my mouth. What the hell wisdom teeth? You choose the worst time to come in. It's almost Thanksgiving and if you decide to prevent me from eating my 5000 calorie meal I will be determined to rip you out of my face. Pliers and gauze in hand. I hate you wisdom teeth. You may result in some great pain killers that will help me feel LaLaDeeDa, but you will not take away my great tasting turkey, and mashed potatoes.
Please refrain wisdom teeth. Please refrain from coming through. At least till Christmas!


Mmmmm. I love Thanksgiving. Despite the fact that I have an extremely small family and I don't have any options on where to eat. It's going to be the first Thanksgiving without my great grandma Nonie. I've decided instead of staying home and cooking for me and my mom, I am going to attend at my aunts house.
Since my grandmother passed away it has brought me and my family closer together. We've realized that you can't always think that someone is going to be there. We've grown a strong bond with each other.
This Thanksgiving in our prayers were going to pray to Nonie and thank her for bringing us all together closer. One tight knit. We'll always grieve on her death, after all she was a lady you could never forget.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

8th Assignment.

Dear Volcom Clothing,
Why is it that I find myself in love with your clothing line? I spend the whooping seventy dollars on your jeans! Seriously, I was expecting them to last for life. But why is it after only one whole year of wearing them did the button break? Also I had purchased a sweatshirt, I believe I spent 100 dollars on. I didn't even get through a whole season until the zipper jammed and fell off. Oh and the wallet I bought for thirty dollars withered away to nothing. Just completely fell apart. IM FURIOUS! I'm so not digging your line anymore. I mean you have adorable clothing, but it's not worth it. My suggestion is that you make your clothing more durable and worth the price you charge for it.

Angela Campolattaro

Monday, November 5, 2007


Can someone please tell me why every classroom in the Russel Building has nats, and fruit flys in it? It's disgusting, and a distraction to learning. Fruit flys are known for being pests. They roam around old rotting fruit. Which means that these disgusting living things are infesting a rotten fruit somewhere in the building. Where is this precious fruit? I will personally someone five dollars to get rid of it.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

7th Assignment

Missing six weeks of work and your sure to get fired. College is different from high school. I understand high school having an attendance policy but you pay to go to college and with that students missing class has to come with a major emergency or sickness.

Three days in a semester is a reasonable amount of days to be absent in a semester. If there's a doctors note involved though it should void out an absence. Being treated like employees is kinda harsh considering the fact that we are only in a junior community college. When we transfer to a university or big college is the time that we are going to need to be serious.

School to me right now is a huge part of my life. I have to consider it a full time job just for the fact that i attend full time. I work hard on my projects, and reports. And always look over my homework. I'm scared of failing at this point of my life. I have to much to offer to the world to fail and not succeed.