Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wisdom Teeth

Good god what is going on with my gums in the back? It's so painful! When I run my tongue over the area it feels sharp. It like a thousand knifes stabbing through my mouth. What the hell wisdom teeth? You choose the worst time to come in. It's almost Thanksgiving and if you decide to prevent me from eating my 5000 calorie meal I will be determined to rip you out of my face. Pliers and gauze in hand. I hate you wisdom teeth. You may result in some great pain killers that will help me feel LaLaDeeDa, but you will not take away my great tasting turkey, and mashed potatoes.
Please refrain wisdom teeth. Please refrain from coming through. At least till Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

::snort:: I talk this way to my stapler, because it's tempermental. Of course, the stapler never kept me from eating turkey or stuffing, so I think you win.